Managing Anxiety with Mindfulness and Self-Compassion

In the pursuit of mental well-being and anxiety management, we often focus on mindfulness as a powerful tool. But there’s another essential tool that can enhance the power of mindfulness — self-compassion. 

Today, we’re diving into a topic near and dear to our hearts here at The Holistic Counseling Center — the synergy between mindfulness and self-compassion and how they can help you manage anxiety. Life can be tough, and we all face those moments where anxiety begins to creep in and wreak havoc on our bodies and minds. 

Let’s explore how showing yourself some love and understanding in these moments can make a world of difference. 

Understanding Self-Compassion

So, what exactly is self-compassion all about? Well, imagine showing yourself the same love and compassion that you’d show a dear friend. That, in essence, is self-compassion. Self-compassion consists of three key components:


It’s easy to be your own worst critic. However, self-compassion encourages you to be gentle and understanding with yourself. When anxiety strikes, self-compassion encourages you to offer yourself kind, comforting words — the kind you’d offer to a friend, or a small child.

Common Humanity

Self-compassion is especially important when you’re going through times of turmoil and feeling like things are spinning out of control. Maybe you’re experiencing a major health issue or a life change. When things don’t go your way, it’s easy to feel like you’re alone.

But remember, no matter what you’re struggling with, you’re not alone. Everyone faces hardships — it’s a part of this beautiful, difficult human experience. Embrace that fact and acknowledge your thoughts and feelings without judgment


When anxiety rears its ugly head, mindfulness can help you observe it with a compassionate heart instead of reacting to it or suppressing it. 

Practicing mindfulness means keeping a present, nonjudgmental state of mind. It allows you to experience your negative emotions with more compassion and understanding. Practicing mindfulness will help you to accept and acknowledge your emotions without letting them get the best of you. 

The Link Between Self-Compassion and Anxiety

Anxiety thrives on self-criticism and negative self-talk. But when you berate yourself for feeling anxious or stressed, you only make matters worse. This is where self-compassion becomes a powerful tool for calming anxiety. Self-compassion allows you to:

Reduce Negative Self-Talk

Instead of berating yourself, replace those harsh thoughts with kindness. Imagine yourself speaking as you would to a friend or even to your younger self. 

Ease Perfectionism

Many of us battle perfectionism, and this can fuel anxiety. Self-compassion offers a reminder that no one is perfect! It’s okay and natural to make mistakes. You can learn and grow from them.

Manage a Fear of Failure

It’s common for anxiety to stem from a fear of failing. Self-compassion helps to alleviate this fear by helping you reduce the unrealistic pressure you may be placing on yourself. 

How to Practice Self-Compassion for Anxiety Management

Now that we understand the importance of self-compassion for helping you manage anxiety, let’s explore some ways in which you can integrate it into your daily life and nurture it.

Self-Compassion Breaks

When you sense anxiety creeping up on you, take a moment to pause and acknowledge your feelings. Comfort yourself with kind words like, “I will be kind to myself in this moment.” Remember that we all struggle, and you are not alone. With regular practice, these “self-compassion breaks” will become a habit.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is one of the most effective types of meditation for anxiety relief. To practice mindfulness meditation, find a cozy spot where you can sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Focus on your breathing, and feel each inhale and exhale. When anxious thoughts begin to pop up, gently acknowledge them, and shift your focus back to your breath. 

Looking for support right now? Check out these free guided meditations I made to help you with grounding, anxiety, and self-love.

Releasing Statements

Releasing statements offer a way to let go of anxious thoughts. When you notice that you’re speaking unkindly to yourself, try using a releasing statement like, “It’s okay that I’m feeling anxious in this moment. It will pass.

This practice can help you free yourself from negative feelings and thoughts. Instead of dwelling on the unwanted thoughts, you can witness them and move on with your day. Although it might not always be possible to stop feelings of anxiety in their tracks, you can control how long these feelings linger.

Try to make self-compassion a daily practice — and not only during moments of anxiety. Surround yourself with compassionate, supportive friends and family. And if anxiety becomes too much to handle, seek the support of a qualified holistic therapist. 

Here at the Holistic Counseling Center, our anxiety therapists offer holistic counseling to help you uncover the root cause of your anxiety so that you can find relief, heal deeply, and experience more peace in your life. 

Self-Compassion and Mindfulness: A Synergistic Approach for Soothing Anxiety

You can think of self-compassion and mindfulness as a dynamic duo for anxiety management. Mindfulness helps you recognize and acknowledge when you’re suffering from symptoms of anxiety, while self-compassion helps provide you with the comfort and support that you need during tough times. Together, mindfulness and self-compassion work wonders for managing anxiety symptoms and nourishing your mental health. 

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Treatment for Anxiety in El Dorado Hills, California

In a world where anxiety can feel overwhelming, remember that you have the power to treat yourself with kindness. By embracing self-compassion and mindfulness, you can find the strength and resilience necessary to navigate anxiety with more ease.

No matter what struggles you’re facing, healing is possible. Anxiety isn’t a permanent diagnosis. Relief is possible. Through holistic counseling, you can experience your life without the intense chaos that anxiety brings. 

If you’re ready to begin your healing journey, we would be absolutely honored to support you. To get started, schedule your no-cost consultation call with our intake coordinator. We’ll get to know you and discuss how our practice can support you. Next, we’ll help you get matched with the right therapist and schedule your first session.

We are accepting new clients for in-person sessions at our office in El Dorado Hills, and offer online therapy for anyone in California.

Find out more about our team HERE and more about our fees HERE.

We look forward to supporting you! 



Meet Kim

Kim Burris is a licensed holistic psychotherapist, boy mom, founder of The Holistic Counseling Center, and author of ‘The First 90 Days After Birth.’

She practices psychotherapy that honors the mind, body, spirit connection and offers evidence-based treatment with a heart centered approach, integrating the depth of western psychology with the heart and soul of spirituality.

Kim and her team currently offer holistic counseling to individuals anywhere in California. Click HERE to book a no-cost consultation call to get started!

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Kim Burris

Kim Burris is a holistic psychotherapist in El Dorado Hills and San Francisco, CA. She specializes in supporting individuals struggling with anxiety, depression, spiritual awakening and motherhood.

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