The Holistic Counseling Center

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Healing Anxiety With Holistic Spiritual Therapy

If you struggle with anxiety, you know how debilitating it can be. You might experience symptoms like sweating, brain fog, a racing heart, feeling faint, or even actually fainting. You may have panic attacks that make you feel like you’re going to die right then and there. Living with persistent anxiety is kind of like living in a house where the smoke detector keeps going off. It’s a constant interruption that’s keeping you from living your best life!

If you’re struggling with anxiety, please know that you’re not alone. Anxiety affects millions of people every day. The good news is that healing is possible, no matter what you’re going through. Working through your anxiety symptoms from a spiritual perspective can help create lasting transformation. Let me explain…

How We Define Spirituality

Here at The Holistic Counseling Center, we define spirituality as the journey to access and come into relationship with your higher self. It’s the deep human inquiry into the wild and wonderful experience of being a conscious being on this planet. 

Spirituality can help us find meaning in the world around us, and connect us with Source energy, the energy and force that animates all of us. 

And you can find meaning and inspiration in spirituality even if you’re not religious. If you believe there’s a reason that you’re here on this planet, that life is more than a meaningless random experience, and you’re looking to connect to your intuition and your higher self, spiritual therapy can help.

What Is Spiritual Therapy?

Spiritual therapy is the art and science of awakening to your higher self. It’s where science, psychology, and spirituality meet to support you in understanding who you truly are and why you’re here.

Spiritual therapy aims to provide you with the tools you need to remove the obstacles to reaching this deeper knowing. It honors the mind-body-spirit connection and equips you with psychological and spiritually informed insights and tools for growth and transformation. After all, we humans are multidimensional beings. Spiritual therapy recognizes this and focuses on the interconnection of the mind, body, heart and spirit.

Here at The Holistic Counseling Center, our spiritual therapists guide you to explore your spiritual beliefs, values, and practices. We do this through a combination of traditional talk therapy and spiritual modalities. Talk therapy alone can be wonderful, but when it’s combined with spiritual modalities, the real magic happens.

Some of the spiritual modalities our therapists incorporate include:

  1. Mindfulness practices

  2. Meditation

  3. Yoga

  4. Breathwork

  5. Energy work

  6. Reiki

  7. Guided meditations

  8. Somatic grounding practices

No one’s spiritual journey is the same, and we always provide an individualized approach to providing holistic spiritual therapy. No cookie cutter therapy offered here!

We believe that when you learn how to access the wisdom of your higher self, you’ll better understand your thoughts, emotions, and physical symptoms on a deeper level. You’ll learn to be more compassionate with yourself, and you’ll experience a greater sense of clarity and purpose for your life.

The Connection Between Spirituality and Anxiety

The difficult thing about anxiety is that there’s not just one root cause. Anxiety can be caused by a host of underlying challenges, including unresolved trauma stuck in your nervous system, physical symptoms such as gut inflammation or autoimmune conditions, or even spiritual disconnection or existential despair, just to name a few.

It can manifest when your mind, body, and soul are out of balance. Think of anxiety as your spirit’s way of speaking to you and asking you to move into action, and into alignment.

On a spiritual level, anxiety is an invitation to reconnect with your spirit and move into a place of alignment with your higher self so you can live more authentically.

The Benefits of Spiritual Therapy for Anxiety

Spiritual beliefs and practices provide a sense of comfort, purpose, and support for many people. Believing in a higher power and connecting with your higher self can offer comfort and meaning during challenging times and can help reduce the symptoms of anxiety.

Here are a few ways spiritual therapy helps to ease anxiety:

Addresses anxiety on multiple levels

Spiritual therapy recognizes that your psychological well-being is closely intertwined with your spiritual and emotional health. By addressing anxiety holistically, you’re able to experience healing on a deep level.

Provides a sense of meaning and purpose

Spirituality encourages you to explore your beliefs, values, and the big existential questions in life. This exploration can provide you with a sense of meaning and purpose that helps to ease feelings of anxiety. This will help you focus less on the things that trigger your anxiety symptoms.

Promotes mindfulness

Here at The Holistic Counseling Center, we love including mindfulness and meditation in your therapy sessions. These practices offer an opportunity to experience life in the present moment, which can help you unhook from your anxiety symptoms and access more peace, ease and joy in your life. A gentle reminder that anxiety will hijack your peace of mind and consume you with and endless list of '“what ifs'“ about the future. Mindfulness can help with that.

When you’re experiencing symptoms of anxiety, a mindfulness practice helps you to return to yourself and to the present moment so that you can let go of the endless mind chatter that’s contributing to your anxiety. It helps you learn to discern the voice of your head from the voice of your heart and regulate your nervous system.

Encourages connection

When you feel like you have a purpose in this world, you’ll have a greater sense of ease and contentment as you move through the world. You’ll feel a sense of belonging. Connecting with like-minded people who share your spiritual values can also provide emotional support. 

Cultivates self-compassion

Spiritual therapy places an emphasis on self-compassion and forgiveness. When you learn to practice self-compassion, you’ll be able to forgive yourself for mistakes more quickly. You’ll learn to quiet your inner critic and connect to your higher self.

Spiritual Therapy for Anxiety Relief at The Holistic Counseling Center

If you’re struggling with anxiety, I hope this article provides you with some insight into how holistic spiritual therapy can help you find relief. If you’re ready to begin your healing journey, our team of licensed spiritual therapists would be honored to support you!

If you’re ready to get started, the next step is to book a complimentary consultation call to chat with our intake coordinator. After we chat, we’ll match you with the right therapist for you, and you can schedule your first session. 

We are accepting new clients for in-person sessions at our office in El Dorado Hills, as well as for virtual sessions for anyone in California.

Find out more about our team HERE and more about our fees HERE.

We can’t wait to help you step into the next best version of yourself!


Meet Kim

Kim Burris is a licensed holistic psychotherapist, founder of The Holistic Counseling Center, and author of ‘The First 90 Days After Birth.’

She honors the mind, body, spirit connection and offers evidence-based treatment with a heart centered approach, integrating the depth of western psychology with the heart and soul of eastern mysticism.

Kim and her team currently offer holistic counseling to individuals in El Dorado Hills, CA and online. Click HERE to book a no-cost consultation call.

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