The Holistic Counseling Center

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You are Not Broken. A Holistic Model of Healing.

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You and Your Brain

You do not have a chemical imbalance in your brain that cannot be changed. You don’t need medication to make your brain work for the rest of your life (more on this below).⁠

You are not broken.⁠

The current medical model is changing (hallelujah!). 20 years ago scientists thought our brains stopped growing and creating new neural pathways in our 20’s. Hence the assumption that if your brain wasn't firing and wiring 'properly' (aka you experience 'depression' or 'anxiety' symptoms) that your brain doesn't function properly and you’ll need medication to 'help' you function for the rest of your life because your brain cannot change.⁠

I’m happy to report, this is WRONG.⁠

What Neuroscience Shows us about healing

Current neuroscience shows us that the brain has infinite capacity to change and create new neural pathways (aka experiences!). WOOHOO!

This means that whatever patterns of thinking, feeling and being you experience, can be changed. (If you want to dive into this new research more you can google neurogenesis and check out the book 'The Neurogenesis Diet & Lifestyle' by Brant Cortright).⁠

Look, medication can absolutely be helpful and beneficial for many many people. Medication can be a bridge to healing. What I want to talk about here is the assumption that your brain does not have the capacity to make the appropriate chemicals, that it is somehow flawed and cannot wire appropriately. ⁠

I want you to know that this is a limiting and outdated model.⁠

How Healing Happens

Change is possible. But it's not inevitable. ⁠

Healing is all about integration.

And here is how it works:

  1. Look Back
    The first step is to locate yourself. You have to know where you’ve been to understand how you ended up right here right now. You are capable of digesting painful experiences from the past that keep you stuck in an endless cycle of unwanted thoughts, feelings and unfulfilling relationships.

  2. Look Within
    From this place of compassionate understanding and love for yourself, you have the freedom to look within and access the infinite wisdom waiting to guide you home to a life of purpose, fulfillment, love and joy.

  3. Look Ahead
    Once you know yourself deeply, cultivate compassion and love, you can make a plan for yourself that is attainable and won’t be thwarted by unconscious patterns from your childhood or unhealthy relationships from your past. You can truly learn to live in the present and consciously create the future you desire.

Finding Support on Your Journey

Integrating new ways of thinking, feeling and being in the world is a process. An evolution.⁠ Will it be easy? Nope. Worth the journey? Absolutely.

As humans, we are wired to be in connection with others. We heal together. You’re not meant to walk this path alone.

If you’re looking for support, The Holistic Counseling Center can help.

We offer holistic counseling for adults, teens and couples and specialize in:

You can find a full list of our specialities HERE.

We are accepting new clients for in-person counseling as well as virtual therapy. ⁠⁠⁠ If you’re ready to take the next step, just click below to book an appointment for a no-cost consultation call to chat with Kim (LMFT and founder of The Holistic Counseling Center) and get matched with one of our awesome therapists:

From my heart to yours,⁠


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